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Italy is dotted with beautiful properties in stunning locations. Fortified hilltop villages, old barns and farm buildings, mediaeval, renaissance and baroque palazzi, through to art nouveau and modern villas can be transformed into dream homes and second homes.

Searching for a property in Italy is still, however, fraught with complications. Agencies often fail to provide even the most basic information about where a property is actually located, what it really looks like and whether it has any strings attached.

Hidden Italy has been created to uncover a broad portfolio of charming, beautiful, interesting properties from a variety of agencies across Italy.

Our site and services have been developed from a buyers perspective. Using a map based interface you can find properties by their location, see copious photographic documentation and create viewing appointments for properties from multiple agencies, reducing time wasted on fruitless trips to inappropriate properties and simplifying the process of arranging viewings.

We are always seeking suggestions for how to improve our site and the services it provides so feel free to give us some feedback, share your experiences or comment on what we have done.
